Thursday Think Tank – Orthopaedic Innovations and Controversies
The University Club of Western Australia Hackett Drive, Crawley, WA, AustraliaOrthopaedic Innovations and Controversies Presenter: Mr Ben Jeffcote, Orthopaedic Surgeon
Orthopaedic Innovations and Controversies Presenter: Mr Ben Jeffcote, Orthopaedic Surgeon
Program 8.00am - 8.30am Registration - Tea & Coffee 8.30am - 10.20am Session 1 - Presentations, • Common acute foot and ankle injuries case study reviews and Q&A • Management of hip pain in younger patients • Degenerative foot and ankle conditions 10.20am - 10.40am Morning Tea 10.40am - 12.30pm Session 2 - Presentations, •…
Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) - a GP Overview Presenters - Dr Stuart McCormack, Psychiatrist and Cathryn Prendergast, Clinical Psychologist
The East Metropolitan Health Service, Royal Perth Bentley Group, Armadale Kalamunda Group and St John of God Midland Public Private Hospital in partnership with WA Primary Health Alliance & HealthPathways WA, invites GPs to a Pain, Perioperative and Referral Pressure Points GP Update. The update will focus on conditions where we can work better to…
A selection on men's health topics presented in a mix of formats, including small group learning, case studies and panel discussions. Topics will include (but not limited to): Prostate Cancer Sexual Health Sleep related issues Androgen replacement Bowel disorders Thyroid surgery Common sporting injuries Mental health Diabetes and Obesity Presenters include (but not limited to):…
This innovative course is designed to provide clinicians with essential skills relating to the assessment and management of patients who are experiencing life-threatening emergencies. Fee for attendance at the 2 day ALERT Course is $595 for doctors. Single day registrations are also accepted for $395 for doctors. This course has received accreditation from the RACGP for 40 Category 1 points in the…
You are invited to the third event in this prostate masterclass series which focuses the management of locally advanced prostate cancer, as well as screening, prostate MRI, and support services for men diagnosed with this disease. For the full program, more information and to register, visit the eventbrite link shown below.
Dr Amit Shah, Updates in Heart Failure Dr Barry McKeown, Cardiology Hot Hits Contact to Register: Graeme Hillman 0412 293 937 April Byrne 0477 753 613
Dr Martin Chapman, a psychiatrist from the Marion Centre, will be running a double topic meeting in City Beach. Topic 1 is FIFO, shift work and depression. Topic 2 is an update on psychosis. If you want to advance your knowledge in a niche style mental health meeting this will be a good meeting to…