Interactive Series of Workshops: Workshop 1 Treatment Resistant Depression
Matilda Bay Restaurant 3 Hackett Drive, Crawley, WA, AustraliaTreatment Resistant Depression Workshop
Treatment Resistant Depression Workshop
Treatment Resistant Depression Workshop
As rates of hepatitis B increase over the next 10 years there is a need for primary care practitioners to diagnose, treat and monitor their patients within the primary care setting.This interactive workshop involves online learning modules, in-depth presentations, case discussions, and facilitated group work giving attendees an opportunity to discuss practical strategies with peers…
This multi-disciplinary conference is on non-fatal (lethal) strangulation (NFS) in the context of intimate partner violence. This is RACGP accredited training and GP attendees are entitled to 28 Category 2 QI&CPD points. The intensive training is truly world-class and delivered from two individuals who are at the top of their field. The speakers are Gael…
Topics will include: • Sacro-iliac joint fusion surgery • Minimally invasive spine surgery advances • Spinal motion preservation surgery • Assessment of cervical spine in six minutes Speakers • Prof Soni Narula • Mr Andrew Miles • Mr Paul Taylor • Mr Mike Kern For all our events, please visit:
This workshop teaches participants how to effectively manage obstetric cases and emergencies and how to make appropriate decisions. Eligibility: GP obstetricians, medical practitioners and midwives. Priority is given to those working in the local region.
St John of God Subiaco Hospital and SportsMed Subiaco invites general practitioners to our GP Education event: Exercise as Medicine. This event features informative presentations followed by practical workshops with our specialists.
This event will be held in Mandurah and presented by specialists who consult locally at the St John of God Mandurah Consulting Suites. Topics will include: • Varicose veins • Updates in the management of post-menopausal osteoporosis • Triple Breast Assessment: review of special scenarios • Thyroid / Parathyroid health in women Speakers • Dr…
GP Educational Dinner “Treating Inflammatory Bowel Disease in 2019 - the top 5 questions GP’s ask me”. Presenter Dr Jesica Makanyanga from Albany Regional Hospital and Fiona Stanley Hospital, Perth. The meeting commences at 6.30 pm and finishes at 8.30pm. Please RSVP by April 10th to Nikki Vaughan at or 0499 770173 Please advise…