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Less Common Cancers: Pancreatic cancer

As GP involvement in cancer care increases, it is important that GPs remain up-to-date on the management of all forms of cancer, including those that occur less frequently. This online webinar will cover symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of pancreatic cancer.


Opioid prescribing – strategies for GPs to optimise chronic non-cancer pain management and minimise harms

This webinar brings together a panel of top Australian experts who specialise in the areas of chronic pain management and opioid dependence. Discussion points for this webinar are based on feedback from over 450 GPs who completed a health professional survey on what they wanted to know about, following recent reforms to opioid prescribing. Discussion…


Subiaco Gynaecology Series Webinar 3


Presentations Ovarian cancer screening - where are we at?: Dr Stuart Salfinger Apical prolapse management - pessaries and procedures: Dr Todd Ladanchuk Abnormal Uterine Bleeding - The New Vernacular: Dr Michael Allen


MEDtalks webinar – Does insulin still have a place in the management of hyperglycaemia in T2D?

Insulin, our first pharmacotherapeutic agent and King, is almost a centenarian – but is it time for the old King to abdicate? Are GLP1-RAs the rightful heirs to the injectable kingdom or simply adolescent upstarts needing to earn their right to the throne? Join us for this lively and entertaining MEDTalk presented by three prominent…


Oral cancer: An update for GPs, practice nurses, and allied health professionals

Oral cancer is the sixth most common cancer and incidence is increasing. General practice plays a pivotal role in timely oral cancer diagnosis, with close to 50% of symptomatic patients presenting first to general practice health professionals, rather than a dental health professional. This online webinar will provide an update for general practice on early…


Dementia: a multidisciplinary approach to caring for people with changed behaviours

This webinar brings together a multidisciplinary panel who will provide their collective perspectives on how they work together and collaborate with families and people living with dementia. Working and communicating as part of a multidisciplinary team can empower health professionals to optimise non-pharmacological approaches to help people living with dementia manage changed behaviours. Discussion will…


Subiaco Obstetric Series Webinar 3


St John of God Subiaco Hospital invites general practitioners, allied health professionals and nurses to attend the final webinar in the obstetrics series on all aspects of maternity care, from pre-pregnancy health through to the postnatal period.


ThinkGP live webinar – Dementia in diverse groups

As in many therapeutic areas, cultural and linguistic diversity has an impact on the recognition, diagnosis and management of dementia -- but the ‘how’, ‘why’ and ‘what to do’ for people with dementia in diverse groups can be tricky to navigate in busy primary practice. Join us as we explore different clinical presentations of dementia…
